But Karen Clark cannot wait. Her letter is delicious; the kind of letter that spurred me to start this blog in the first place.

I'm so hyped up about it, I'm going to do a running commentary.
When Sarah Palin took little Trig into her arms and walked back and forth across the convention platform, she won the devotion of people who support life choices (I imagine the ones who value choices and life are predominantly voting O/B. She probably got them mixed up with "mindless biddies that can't handle anything less tame than an Anne Geddes photo or Beverly Hills Chihuahua." It's a common mistake for mindless biddies to make.) and pricked the dark part of the heart of America, the dark part that harbors abortion with all its pain and hatred for all those who desire to see loving nurture replace it.
"Loving nurture" in this context means women being treated like farm animals, women dying, an influx of unwanted people, and increased crime rates. But hey, that is the sacrifice we must make- otherwise you will have to live with THIS on your hands.
The radical feminists who got abortion legalized aren’t even charged the expense of emotional and mental counseling that is needed by many women who know they have made the wrong choice and cannot bear the guilt of taking a life.
I wonder how much counseling these women actually need. I also wonder how much of any emotional distress endured stems directly from psychotic control freaks constantly harassing and patronizing them.
They have been telling other women what they should think, feel, do and be since they got the headlines in the 1960s burning bras
and chanting their power slogans. They shouted down and tried to intimidate all other voices, and got their way for a while.
The only ones who realized that women are actually autonomous people and fought the hardest for that fact to be recognized, are really bossing around the poor dears. Misogynist white dudes, Stepford wives and other ideological dinosaurs are the ones REALLY looking out for your freedom. War is Peace, doubleplusgood yadda yadda.
They have been indoctrinating women for generations and have lost all objectivity to the point of idiocy. (I’d rather be rescued by a woman (fire person) even if it meant being dragged by my feet because there is more oxygen near the floor, even though my head might be bumping down stairs.)
Karen Clark's idea of feminism- formulated after years of experience with those involved; or gained from an accumulation of throwaway lines from conservative windbags and lame "edgy" stand up comedians? Taking bets now.
Abortion is a monster that keeps on devouring and raking in millions of dollars ($500 dollars per procedure! I do believe that is one metric asston of cash! Especially by medical procedure standards!). It cannot be stopped.
Or can it?
(Nope- but it can be forced out of view into treacherous and unsanitary conditions!)
With the spotlight on unselfish love and devotion,
(Yes, with the spotlight on these unselfish *snrk* loving *snort* Repub- Republic- oh fuck I can't type it with a straight face YOU ARE A FUCKING RIOT)
maybe it can be. And that is what its proponents fear. Hatred and fear always bring bad judgment.
("Oh, before I forget let me remind you that Obama is a TERRORIST! A BLACK TERRORIST! HIS MIDDLE NAME IS HUSSEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
Two candidates are pro-life. Two are pro-abortion. Will you choose the life platform or the death platform?I'm voting for the pro-choice platform, you colluder piece of shit.
What's she getting at with the firefighter thing?
Dunno. I imagine she just really, really hates female firefighters.
Anyway, congrats! You're my first commenter! Have a loldog.
I'm here via Feministing Community. Guess I might as well advertise my own blog, too; we don't get a lot of traffic. It's at city-of-ladies dot blogspot dot com; I'm in the middle of writing a post right now, and will post the election widget when I wake up tomorrow.
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